social studies

                                                              My fantastic country!

By: Abby Betzer


Yes I am proud of my country. I also love it.    

            I am proud of black and white people getting along.  It is sad what other people had to go through, but it is okay now. I think white and black people should not say mean about their skin. That is one reason why I am proud of my country.

            I am also proud that we have had a black president. I think that that is cool that we have had finely had a black. This is a very nice black president. That is another reason why I am proud of my country.

            The last reason why I am proud of my country is that we have had so many states, countries, territories, and cities. We have had so many that I think they are going to add plenty more.  I love how many states, countries cities, and, territories. That it another reason why I am proud of my country.

            Those are all the reasons why I am proud of my country. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.